Saturday, July 3, 2010

Only the Good Spy Young

Hey everyone! As you may know, I'm back from Branson. Along with me, I brought something special: Only the Good Spy Young by Ally Carter! It's finally here!

The book starts out as Bex and Cammie are skating on an ice rink in London during their winter break from school. Bex is interested in some boys that are hanging around and checking them out. She looks at them carefully and sees a familiar face.

  "Hey, Cam," She says with an evil smirk, "Are you sure you've given up all boys?"

She intentionally falls down on the ice. Seven of the eight boys go to her "rescue". But the one that hangs back, the one who doesn't move, is the most interesting of them all.

Zachary Goode is a sort of friend of the Gallagher Girls. Being a student at the Blackthorne Institute for Boys, he knows their secrets and is good at keeping them. He doesn't even try to hide the fact that he likes Cammie.

Cameron "Cammie" Morgan is a student of the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women/ Target of international terrorist group. She narrates this story. Being almost kidnapped twice last semester, she is hiding as best as she can.

Rebecca "Bex" Baxter is a fellow student at the Gallagher Academy. She's one of Cammie's best friends. Her family invited her to join them on their Christmas vacation in England.

Cammie was happy and surprised at the same moment when she saw Zack. Her excitement ends when he tells her Joe Solomon didn't show when he was supposed to meet with Zack. This got her worried. What if something had happened to him? What if the Circle got to him?

  Soon, after talking more, Mr. Baxter calls the girls off the ice to get going. When Cammie turns back to say goodbye, Zack was already gone. This is where things go wrong.

Cammie realizes that there is a double agent, a traitor, a member of the Circle whiten the Gallagher walls. That person, desperate, strikes when Cammie was most vulnerable. Now, Cammie is unsure who to trust. Bex and Cammie need the help from old friends if Cammie is to ever come close to being safe. They realize that the key to Cammie's future may lie deep in the past.

It's a great story where the girls must lie, hack, and steal their way to answers. But, near-tragedy overcomes them when they get closer to the truth. If you were to read this, you will be shocked at what Cammie is doing over her summer.


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