Sunday, October 17, 2010

Gimme a Call

Hello one and all to All About Books. I know it's been pretty quiet on here, but surely if you read this you must know that I recently started school again so these blogs won't be quite as active as they would be in the summer.

Today, I'll be talking about one of the best books of 2010, Gimme a Call by Sarah Mlynowski.

It starts out where Devi is sitting on the water fountain in the mall on her Senior Skip Day, moping about her recent break-up and contemplating returning the watch she bought for her now ex-boyfriend.

Devorah "Devi" Banks is a typical american girl. She has had a less than great High School experience.She spent all her time with her now ex-boyfriend, Bryan, and neglected her friends and her studies. Now, they've broken up and Devi has nobody to hang out with at the mall during her Senior Skip Day.

She is thinking about what she would tell her younger self if she could go back in time. While she's thinking, she accidently drops her cell phone INTO the water fountain. Great. As if her day could POSSIBLY get any worse.

When she tests all the buttons to see if the chlorine destroyed it or not, she hits the Send button, and it starts ringing.

Back, three years prior to this, fourteen-year-old Devi picks up her phone when it rings and she sees the name "Banks" on the caller ID. Each of the Devis thinks the other is crazy, and Freshman Devi doesn't believe the girl on the other side of the line is really Senior Devi until later.

Devi realizes she has been given an amazing gift. She can go back in time and change her life for the better, starting with never going out with Bryan in the first place. She can start all over!

Only, she doesn't realize how fast the changes apply to her. One moment, all of her picture frames are filled with pictures of her and Bryan, the next, of her and her friends. Sometimes, Freshman Devi makes a change so drastic, it hits Senior Devi like a bomb.

How does this wild story end? Does Devi get into UCLA and completely forget about Bryan? Or, will Freshman Devi decide to go ahead and date him, despite the heart-breaking results? Find out it Gimme a Call by Sarah Mlynowski.

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