Wednesday, June 2, 2010

When You Reach Me

I just finished this new book I won from school. It's an awesome one called When You Reach Me.

It starts in the future of this story, where Miranda, the narrator of this book, sees that her mom, after three years of trying, is going to be a contestant on $20,000 Pyramid. It was going to be in a certain studio. she refers to someone as "you", when she says "Just like you said."

Miranda Welsh is a pre-teen girl who lives in New York City. She has read this one book about time travel over and over. She knows the safe places to go in town. She also knows who and what to avoid, like the crazy man on the corner.

They spend a few chapters in this future time period, where Miranda is helping her mom prepare for the show. Then, they go back into the past, for the events that led up to this. Miranda's best friend, Sal, gets hurt, and starts ignoring her. Then, the emergency key for their apartment was stolen. Then, the notes start to appear. These notes are from someone who knows too much about Miranda and her life. Even things that haven't happened yet.

I'm coming to save your friend's life and my own. I ask you two favors. One, write a letter.
This person writes. Then, the notes say when and where proof that he knows what will happen will appear. The final proof is the postcard that says Miranda's mom is going to be on $20,000 Pyramid. 

This is an interesting story of friendship, trust, and time travel. Where the adventure ends I can't tell you. The real drama is what is between the lines. Figure out the mystery of this story in When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stread. Fun fact: This book won this years Newberry Honor Award.


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