Monday, September 3, 2012


I finished the sequel to Matched today. I'm afraid that this series will end up like the Hunger Games, and digress in plot quality as the series goes on. This book caused these expectations. When I review it, keep in mind that there will be spoilers from Matched. Read with caution!

This book half revolves around Cassia searching for Ky in the Outer Provinces, and half revolves around finding the mythical "Rising", the rebellion against the Society. Cassia and Ky switch off narration by chapter, which is okay at first, but after a while confused me. After Cassia found Ky, they're at the same places, the same events are going on, and the tone of Cassia and Ky's narrations are very similar, so you really have to pay attention to the first page of a chapter or you'll be totally lost until you see "Cassia said" in what you thought was her chapter.

I have fallen in love with how much Ky loves Cassia, and how devoted he is to running from the Outer Provinces, where he has been "fighting" the war with the Enemy, and getting back to Society so he can at least send a message to Cassia. The same goes for Cassia's devotion to Ky, even though he's not exactly the guy I'd fall for.

My hatred for the Society has grown, as we discover that the blue tablet, said to save a citizen when taken, actually is poison to slow you down if taken, to keep you in one place so the Society could find you, or kill you if you have rebelled against the Society and are outside of their range of help. Not that I'm surprised.

This book doesn't end. It just stops. What is Cassia's work in Central? Why wasn't she reclassified? Has Xander told her his secret? Is Ky going to be okay? Does he still have Cassia's grandfather and Vick's tissue samples?

So, overall, this is an OK book, but it lacks a certain something that I was looking for. I do not have much hope for Reached, the final book, coming out in November. I'll still read it, of course. I still like the series, but I think Reached will be the worst of all the trilogy.

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